Actually I am not a good MummY...coz I only accompany him and play with him during night time (sometimes he fall asleep d) and weekend...so he spends most of the time with "kakak" so called maid (Oh no...I'm really scare later he can't recognize me as his MummY). Why is that? Coz I'm working ma...It's challenging and also a hard time for me (as a new MummY); day time working; night time feeding him, changing diaper etc..so now I understand why we have a song called "世上只有妈妈好". Really hard for us to describe how good is our MOM; but what she does is always for us. So better treat our MOM nicely before it's too late. Perhaps, Louis will treat me nicely in future.

In Month 0-2, Louis spent most of his time in sleeping. That time I just get myself to relax. But when he was hungry, I get myself busy with breastfeeding him (every 2-3 hours). Actually, I don't really had a good rest during my confinement. Day time, I was the one who taking care of him (coz my MIL got to back home to clean up her house). Luckily I still can rest well at night (but I was pity with my MIL..she got to wake up at the midnight).

In Month 3, Louis was started to touch, hold and see the objects. He can hold my fingers very tight and he likes to see the objects which dotted-spot (whenever he saw this, he will smile). So that time, I was crazy grabbing him some infant's toys. Wow...I realized that there are many kind of toys for infants..all of them are colourful and funny...haha...how lucky are the babies compare to my time...frankly speaking it's not cheap to invest, but it's worth to buy to educate our children.
In Month 4, Louis was started to give some respond and get himself to turn over. When we mentioned the word "Carry", he will very excited and kicking here and there. Then when we talked to him, he will respond to us by smiling with us or saying "Ang Gu...ahh...." etc.. Nowadays Louis is getting more active; he likes to turn over and slowly moving himself. (Phew...he can move 360 degree....this makes me more aware of him during night time). Sometimes when he get stuck, he will shout for help (ahhh...)!! Haha...
For Month 5, I will update it next time as he is in this stage now. Hmm...I'm not sure he can starts to crawl? Sit? Can't wait to see him grow up. Haha...alright...stop at here...there will be more interesting blogs coming up. (HEY GUYS...DON'T FALL ASLEEP OR LAUGH AT ME WHILE READING MY BLOG...HEHE)
wei...not bad ma..
louis cute lor!!!
update 5th stage soon!!!
yay yay!!
keep it up mummy~~!!
BRAVO!!! Keep up the good work, Louis's mummy!~!~!~
phew..really make me think alot today...not because of work...just becase of you guys...haha
behtong nia so many comments d....i am the last one liao lo...
You are so 'hang fook' with LOUIS companion....
but i 'boh su' pun..i have my baby 'goldee' too....
I'm also a new mummy....but i need not to change diapers..i only need to 'put sai' :)....
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